Holistic approach is based on the three key aspects:

Our approach

Modern production technology
Inspired by science
Partnership with nature
In partnership with nature
A cow's digestive system is designed to eat fresh, green grass only. Not corn, grains or other bulk foods used on farms. This affects not only the cow's health, but also the quality of the milk. 100% Grass Fed cows produce better quality milk. Up to 5x more ingredients help boost the immune system and regulate blood sugar levels.

Higher levels of vitamin A to help fight infections and support growth & vitamin E for healthy brain development and cognition
We developed a baby formula without palm oil, making it better to babies and the environment.

Environmentally, palm oil has been a leading cause of deforestation, threatening wildlife populations and indigenous tribes around the world
Healthy cow = healthy milk
No place for palm oil
Modern production technology
The new manufacturing plant allows us to supply the market with high quality products at an affordable price, made in Russia and having a high level of consumer confidence. The manufacturing site has successfully passed the audit and received the International Certificate ISO 22000
An efficient spray dryer with a gas heat exchanger is used to produce milk formula. Finished products are packed in a neutral nitrogen environment in sealed bags, which guarantees perfect preservation of the product
Over the years, the recipes have been evaluated in clinical trials and all the materials entering the factory come from audited suppliers. Every finished product leaves our factory only after positive release from microbiological, chemical and organoleptic tests against agreed specifications
Our infant formulas are modeled on the nutritional components of mature breast milk following World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines and meet the most up to date researches. Products are updated regularly by the R'n'D team through constant consultation with Pediatric Specialists
Inspired by science
is based on the following principals:
Our packaging
100% recycling-friendly packaging
Environment-friendly approach to packaging production
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Russia, Moscow